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Configure your Codat solution

Learn how to configure your Codat solution in the Portal

Our configuration checklist

Before you start using our API...

The Portal

Most configuration of your Codat solution happens via the Portal, and you can do all of the above through the settings pages. You can use the navigation bar to access these sections of the Portal. Some tabs and pages (for example, the Developers tab) are only available to specific user roles.


This is where the bulk of your configuration occurs. There are 4 main settings areas:

  • Auth flow - Settings relating to your authorization flow, whether your using embedded & hosted link, or your own solution
  • Webhooks - Create webhook rules and email notifications
  • Integrations - Enable and configure integrations, and manage the data you're retrieve from them
  • Organization - Invite users and manage their roles, manage your plan and see your billable usage, and enable products


Manage your API keys, and see developer-specific resources.

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